Our Podcast - Metabolic Balance ANZ is Now Live!

Tune in each week as we share inspiring client stories and insights into the transformative power of Metabolic Balance. Hosted by Cherry Wills, our podcast features firsthand accounts from clients and experienced independent practitioners, showcasing how personalised nutrition can change lives and enhance health and wellbeing.

Listen to our latest episode by searching for Metabolic Balance ANZ on your favorite podcast platform.

As individual and unique as you are ...

...This is a Metabolic Balance nutrition plan. Simply because it is based on you and your personal blood values. 

New! Every plan is now available direct to your phone with our new app. Use it anytime, anywhere, shopping and when travelling. Includes tips & recipes.

Balance is like a symphony

Sylvia Bürkle, one of our founders explains the principles of the program like this...

The body is in essence like an incredible orchestra with all our organs and body processes working together in harmony. At any time for a multitude of reasons such as poor food choices, environmental toxins and the day-to-day stress and pressures we face, disharmony can occur leading to ill health and poor metabolic balance.

By learning to understand what your body needs to nourish itself, we can be the conductor of our own health. We can bring our metabolism back into balance for whole body and mind wellness.

By using each person blood we can measure their health and provide key guidelines to restore balance.

Health can be measured; 

  • blood ​​tests provide a reliable method of measuring the current state of health, and provide vital information about possible weaknesses and nutrient deficiencies. 
  • In modern nutritional medicine, laboratory values ​​are essential for creating an individual nutrition plan.

What your blood says about you

Your blood is constantly circulating in an extensive network of blood vessels to every organ and into every corner of the body. Various diseases, imbalances and illnesses can alter the levels of blood markers and other substances in your blood.

The blood therefore provides information about the function of organs and organ systems and whether inflammation or risks exist for a disease. In every doctor's office, blood analysis is an indispensable tool when evaluating health.

Based on your blood values, it is also possible to analyse which nutrients are above or below adequate levels. Metabolic Balance uses 35 blood values for your individual nutrition plan.

The results of the blood analysis are evaluated together with personal information including current weight and body measurements, possible pre-existing conditions, current medication, and individual eating preferences. This analysis forms the basis of your individual Metabolic Balance Plan.

Highly Individual

... with personal coaching

A change in eating and lifestyle is a process that cannot be completed overnight and can include many challenges that need to be overcome. 

This is why Metabolic Balance is a strictly practitioner only program. You are guided through your health journey by your Metabolic Balance practitioner. Experienced physicians, nutritionists and naturopaths professionally trained in our method will help you at all stages of the program. 

In this way, your plan and the accompanying support provide stability, security and a high chance of success so that you achieve your personal goals for optimal weight and metabolic health.

... includes detailed consultation

In addition to the analysis of the blood values, a detailed medical history with personal information on current health, eating habits or medications forms the prerequisite for creating a reliable metabolic and nutritional plan. A metabolic plan without this information is not likely to work or lead to lasting success.

What does metabolism mean? 

In simple terms, it's the foundation for your health!

Metabolism is "the whole range of biochemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life". It underpins all essential bodily processes. 

Every second of the day, your body undergoes biochemical change, degradation and remodeling processes by "metabolising" nutrients that are supplied to our cells. Only in this way can all vital bodily functions take place.

Elementary processes that depend on a functioning metabolism: 

  • all growth processes
  • oxygenation of all organs
  • detoxification processes via the liver
  • carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism, fat metabolism and mineral metabolism
  • all repair processes

What influence does your metabolism have on your health?

A healthy and balanced metabolism is fundamental to your health and vitality. Metabolic disorders often result in unwanted weight gain and can lead to diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The right change in your eating can bring the metabolism back to its original healthy starting position - the ultimate body reset. This can have a regulating effect on your weight and help treat and prevent metabolic disorders.

A balanced metabolism:

  • promotes and supports your health
  • enhances sleep, increasing vitality and performance
  • increases your resilience in your daily life and work
  • rebalances your acidity/alkalinity levels
  • helps you achieve and maintain your desired weight
  • brings renewed energy and general well being
  • improves your quality of life

4 Phase Nutritional Concept

Following your personal consultation and the collection of the 36 laboratory parameters, your individual nutrition plan will be created. 

The Metabolic Balance program is divided into 4 phases that build on each other and complement each other. The sum of all its parts makes up the whole success.

The first phase lasts two days. Your body  becomes attuned to the new way of eating. In this cleansing phase, only light meals are eaten, such as vegetables, fruits, rice or potatoes. The additional colon cleansing, supports the adjustment process. When the stomach and digestive tract are emptied, the body feeds itself from within, from the fat reserves (keto metabolism). Hunger is minimised. It's important to ensure the right hydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
The body needs time to detoxify and to adjust your metabolism in order to get back into a healthy balance. Therefore, the second phase should last at least 14 days. We also call this the "conversion phase". Your diet plan contains a wonderful selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. The alkaline minerals bind acids and allow them to be removed. A healthy diet, with the foods that are beneficial to you, supports detoxification almost entirely by itself. However, it is important that you comply with the Metabolic Balance rules as closely as possible in this "strict" Phase 2. A little bit of discipline is worthwhile, and you will certainly enjoy the benefits you are likely to gain, as increased well-being sets in within days. If you want, you can stay longer in the DETOX phase,
Now it will get easier. No one can achieve a goal through constant restriction. Therefore, in Phase 3, you experiment with foods that are not on your list. In this way you can learn which foods you can eat again, without the old symptoms, such as bloating, heartburn, tiredness or headache. Of course, the "Treat Meals" are considered a highlight in phase 3. On these days, you can relax with the Metabolic Balance rules and simply eat what you feel like.
You did it. Your metabolism has reset, and your weight regulation is visible in so and many more ways than a number on the bathroom scales. You feel good, sleep well and your rejuvenated appearance gives you new self-confidence. Stay focused! Over the last few weeks and months, you have learned which foods are best for you. You can now integrate these insights into your future lifestyle. Continue to consciously choose foods, avoid diets that is not conducive to you or even causes discomfort. This is how life should be and feels easy. And if you still get into trouble with your metabolism: you always have your Metabolic Balance practitioner to turn to and your plan to go back to.
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